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The Awesome Power of Using Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an incredibly powerful tool that every single small business owner should be using. It’s free, and it can provide you valuable insight about your website that you might not be able to gather otherwise. Analytics will help you to track everything from the number of unique visitors to your site every month to what country they came from. You can then use this data to tweak your website to help you reach your goals and offer a better customer experience. 

You Can’t Manage What You Don’t Measure

Without Google Analytics you’re literally flying in the dark. You won’t have any solid ideas about how many people visit your site, where they come from, and perhaps most importantly, who referred them. This last point is very important because if you don’t understand how people are finding your website, you won’t know how to gain more visitors.

In an earlier article we talked about the difference between PPC (Pay Per Click) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) advertising. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages that need to be taken into account. Google Analytics can allow you to do just that. Over the course of a number of months it will allow you to track the traffic generated from a SEO campaign, and to see whether the money you’re investing is paying off. If the campaign is paying off, you can continue to pay a SEO firm to write for you. On the other hand, if Analytics is showing little to no results, it may be time to try some other form of advertising. 

Measure Your Traffic and Set New Goals

Google Analytics will allow you to measure the baseline amount of traffic you’re receiving, and then to set goals to expand that traffic in the future. For example, if you want to be receiving 50% more traffic to a particular page on your website in three months, then Google Analytics will allow you to track that change and find out whether you’re on track to meet that goal or not.

It will also tell you exactly where the traffic is coming from. You may find that several SEO articles are generating 60% of all the traffic to your site, which should be a large indication that you need to create articles similar to these in the the future. In the same vein, if you discover some articles that are yielding almost no results then you’ll know what kind of topics don’t work.

Getting Started With Google Analytics

If you’re like most people and already have a Google account, then getting started with Google Analytics is really quite an easy process. Basically, you sign up for an account, install a tracking code on your website, sit back and wait for the results to come in. Of course, Google has produced a useful guide on getting started and it’s a must read if you’ve never used Google Analytics before.

No matter whether your website is already well established and moving thousands of products a month, or if you’ve just started it up and can still count the number of unique visitors using your fingers and toes, Google Analytics is a must use tool.

With the help of Google Analytics you may find ways to make your website better, or to streamline the sales process. If that happens, Superiocity is standing by to help you make those improvements. We are your one stop website design firm, and we guarantee that we’ll deliver a product that you’ll be thrilled with! Get into contact with us today and we’ll help you to build a website that generates more sales then you ever thought possible.
